Finer Womanhood!
Format | .ZIP of MP3's | |
Rating | G | |
Audio Quality | Studio Grade | |
Organizations | Zeta Phi Beta |
Instant download in MP3
(please note, a physical CD is not mailed)
23 tracks of songs and chants
Zeta Radio Station Time: 1:07
I Known I've Been Changed Time: 2:47
Add Some Class Time: 0:29
In 1908 Time: 0:32
I Wouldn't Have Pledged Shhhhhh Time: 0:42
Zeta Train Time: 0:57
I Got A Feeling Time: 2:19
Zeta-Bet Time: 0:47
Pledging Is So Hard To Do Time: 1:02
Zeta-lude Time: 1:08
The Men Time: 1:04
Sigma Love Time: 1:06
Zeta Phi Beta's Got Soul Time: 1:15
Greek Women Wonder Time: 1:34
Zeta Nutcracker Time: 0:26
Zeta Beat Time: 0:42
I Want To Be A Zeta Time: 0:37
A Peach Is A Peach Time: 0:34
Zeta Phi Beta 'Til The Day I Die Time: 0:19
What Is A Zeta Time: 0:56
The Beat Of My Heart Time: 2:06
Five Unique Women Time: 1:51
My Heart And My Soul Time: 1:04
MP3 | Do you own a iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry or maybe you have another digital music player? |
Don't wait for us to process your order, package your disc and mail it. Instead, download your Chant CD instantly, no waiting! All songs are mastered @ 192kbs stereo in .mp3 format ready to be imported into iTunes, Windows Media player or any other music manger. NOTE: For iPhone, iPad & iPod users, please visit this link on how to install the chants on your device: CLICK HERE. You cannot download directly to an iPhone or iPad. You must first download using a full computer and then put the files in iTunes. Then sync your iPhone/iPad to that iTunes library to get the music on your iPhone/iPad. | |
File Type: you'll download a single 77.40 MegaByte .zip file filled with .mp3 files as soon as you complete your checkout. | |
Songs and chants for our legacy video
Best purchase I made to make our Chapter Legacy video come to life!
Some changes
My experience was well, my only suggestion is and I strongly suggest this is when you send the download link to the emails in the beginning of the email the first thing I would state is step by step on how to get them on your phone and where they are placed. Because I almost easily wasted my 3 downloads. Out of the 3 only one actually worked and went through for me on my phone. And my last suggestion is when people download it, they should get the option of where they would like the songs to go to on their phone. Mine automatically went to files and I had to download the files app back in my phone to listen to it, I would have preferred the option to send it to my iTunes or Apple Music and listen to it there.
Loved the Songs, and all the songs downloaded with no issues; it worked out perfect for the Greek event I was a DJ for.
Great Seller!
I am very impressed and thrilled with how quickly my order was processed and shipped. I placed the order on a Saturday evening and within the hour I was emailed my shipping and tracking information. #FiveStarService