Divine Nine 5K 2016

Divine Nine 5K hosts it's 2nd annual event in Chicago, IL and 1st annual event in Atlanta, GA. The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and Chicks with Kicks, Inc. are hosting Divine Nine 5K to support deserving undergraduates with scholarship funds for college.The NPHCis a collaborative organization of the 9 major Black Greek Lettered fraternities and sororities. Chicks with Kicks, Inc. is a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire ladies of all ages to lead a healthier lifestyle via health, fitness and wellness.
There were over 400 participants in the 1st Annual Divine Nine 5K. Your participation in Divine Nine 5K will display your commitment to the health and well-being of men, women and their families as well as assist in the education of the youth.
Register ATLANTA June 11th:
Register CHICAGO June 18th: